How is the life partner going to be if Rahu is placed in the 7th house for Aquarius ascendant?

From the question, I can interpret the following

  1. Aquarius Ascendant
  2. Rahu is placed in the 7th House

So, before sharing the observations – let us understand more about Rahu, 7th House and Zodiac Linked to it as per Kalpurush Kundali & for the chart.


  • Shadow planet, believes in creating illusion
  • Rahu mahadasha runs for 18 years
  • Rahu co-rules the Zodiac signs of Gemini and Aquarius

7th House:

  • Linked to Partnerships in life (legal & marital)
  • It also shows how the world perceives you

Zodiac of Libra(7th House for Kalpurush Kundali):

  • It is an Air sign and represents Balance in every aspect of life
  • Saturn gets exalted in Libra whereas Sun gets debilitated in this house

Zodiac of Leo(7th House for Aquarius Ascendant):

  • It is the 5th house as per the Kalpurush Kundali
  • It represents your kids, abilities/talent, creativity, self-expression, etc.

Now, let us try to answer the question:

How is the life partner going to be for Rahu in the 7th house for Aquarius Ascendant?

Astrology Chart from an Aquarius Ascendant


  1. Rahu in Leo makes the individual very strategic in nature. They play for the big picture and do not get impacted by short term gains
  2. Leo by itself is a very outgoing and pompous sign. The presence of Rahu aggravates the overall nature
  3. The person will be self obsessed and believe in dressing up for the occasion. Many a times, despite the money spent on their personal upkeep – they will still be unhappy or be found complaining
  4. With Rahu in Leo, automatically – Ketu is placed in Aquarius (the ascendant). Owing to this, the individual will desist from marriage and when they do – it is more of a compromise or family mandated wedding rather than what they were looking for

Having made these observations, the placement of Sun(ruler of Zodiac Leo), Saturn(ruler of Zodiac Aquarius) will be important. Also, aspects on the 1st or 7th house by planets like Mars or Jupiter can ignite or mellow down the outcomes.

Hope this helps

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