From the past 2 years, I have been facing several mental health issues and overthinking. When will this go away?

Query from the User:

  • My DOB is July 4th 2008 at 9:18 am in Tanuku, Andhra Pradesh.
  • From the past 2 years, I have been facing several mental health issues and overthinking. When will this go away?

Observations as per Vedic Astrology:

  1. Your Saturn Mahadasha & Rahu Antardasha is going on
  2. Saturn is transiting your 7th house and aspecting you/ascendant
  3. Moon-Ketu is placed in the 12th house

Possible Outcomes as per Vedic Astrology:

  • Low quality sleep, hallucinations, overthinking
  • Wastage of energy in unnecessary pursuits like watching TV or playing games or gossiping to friends

Solutions to the problems faces as per Vedic Astrology:

  1. Meditation
  2. Writing and doing things
  3. Keeping your plans/ideas to yourself and not discussing with others
  4. Believing that this is a phase and not your entire life. Life ahead is amazing ahead

Additional Points:

  • You are young, have faith in yourself.
  • At 15–17 age, if you face issues – you will be able to become a strong personality in your 20–30s.

Hope this helps

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God Bless!

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