What happens when Rahu is in the 1st house, as per Vedic Astrology?

It is best to understand astrology and impact of planets, position and outcome through questions like these.

Many a times people ask – my future is good or bad and the astrologer will be clueless as to what to say as life has ups & downs both!

So, let’s see what both things stand for before commenting on the placement

1st House stands for

  • Self
  • Our Body Structure
  • Our General Approach to Things (Moon represents emotions, whereas the first house represents our ascendant that decides our overall attitude towards things)

Rahu stands for

  • Obsession
  • Inclination towards shortcuts in life
  • Quick thinking
  • Good communicator & Negotiator
  • Good Managing Abilities

What happens when Rahu is placed in the first house?

Let us see

  1. The individual will be obsessed with looks and will spend substantial amount of time grooming or in front of mirror. Also, any slight dip in perception of looks – the person will go in a tizzy
  2. The person will have a strong body which will not very susceptible to breakdowns or diseases often
  3. As Rahu is just the head – the individual will always be unhappy about something linked to them (like looks, wealth, education, home they own etc.)
  4. With Rahu in the first house, Ketu is placed in the 7th house – thereby leading to two scenarios – longing to have someone in their life and subsequent bad experiences/unfit matches leading to disillusionment & subsequent detachment

Having said this – placement of 1st House lord, Nakshatra in which 1st house lord is present and aspects on the 1st house can lead to exaggeration or amelioration of impact.

Hope this helps

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